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Job Search Classes

For those who are eligible, Job Search Classes are held daily at Bradford County Action and offer more intensive job search assistance services. Individuals can be determined eligible in one of 2 ways.

1) Referral to Bradford County Action from the Bradford County Assistance Office (BCAO). Individuals are referred following appointments with BCAO case workers.  

2) Individuals who are not eligible for services through the Bradford County Assistance Office may attend Job Search workshops that are scheduled at the CareerLink. Individuals may sign up to attend these workshops by calling 265-2171 and asking for the next available workshop. More intensive job search activities may follow workshops depending on eligibility.

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The chances are great that most people will have worked for many different employers by the time they are prepared to retire. Unfortunately, in the current job market, a significant number of companies are likely to go through some type of downsizing, relocation, transition or closing of their operations. Understanding this reality, job seekers stand a better chance of survival if they are willing to move to a parent facility, a new company, a new town, or a different field or industry. Don’t be a job-hopper – changing jobs on a frequent basis and in an unorganized manner. This will not look good to a potential employer. However, be flexible, be aware of future changes/possibilities, and think of your long-term goals and dreams.